Could you use some extra money? What about a few hundred dollars? Due to increased competition from online banks, many of the standard banks are starting to give away money for opening a new account. Getting a pile of free cash is often as easy as signing up via your mobile device. Some banks don’t even require you to add money to your new account. Don’t believe us? Check it out for yourself!
It's Not a Big Secret
Banks don’t hide that they use your money in the market to get a return on their investments. That means it makes plenty of sense that they might share that return with you. Especially if it means new accounts. In recent years, the banking landscape has changed. It’s less common or even necessary to visit a brick and mortar storefront to do your banking. Many banks have increased their online services, and there are also many banks that do business almost entirely online.
The smaller overhead means that banks can increase incentives to draw customers. Small and local banks are also adapting to the online banking boom. As a banking customer, you can search for bonus incentives from major national chain banks and also regional banks. Sometimes you can find the best deals at local banks near you.
Where To Find Bonus Incentives
Finding cashback bonus incentives is pretty simple. All you have to do is search online for banks that are giving away money to open an account. The amount you get for a bonus may vary by bank and by your qualifications. Some incentives might require small deposits or for you to make a few purchases on your debit card. As previously mentioned, some may not require anything except the opened account. Let’s take a look at a few banks you might find in your search and what they offer.
Chase gives you the opportunity to make more for less. If you open a Total checking account and deposit a minimum of $25, you can start qualifying for a $200 bonus. In order to get it, you’ll need to keep the account open for 6 months and make a direct deposit within the first 60 days of opening.
An example offer from this major national bank is opening a new account and depositing at least $5,000. You can open either a savings or checking account or both. If you deposit $5,000 and maintain it for 30 days, then you’ll get a $200 bonus. If you deposit $15,000, then you’ll get $400. If you deposit $50,000, then you’ll get $600. You can also get a bonus of $100 if you get at least one direct deposit per month for two months in a row.
If you haven’t had an account with this bank since November 2nd, 2017, you can qualify for this offer by opening a new Premier checking account online. In order to get a bonus, you’ll need to deposit a minimum of $100,000 within 30 days. The funds must stay in the account or accounts for at least 90 days. You’ll get a $750 bonus in your account after eight weeks.
Take Advantage Of These Offers Today!
Don’t wait to search for bank incentives. The above offers are only a few examples. New offers could appear at any time. Searching online is the best way to find banks that offer money for new accounts. Everyone could use a few extra dollars, so start searching today!